Joel Dokmegang, Ph.D
Mathematical Modelling | Computational Sciences
Next events
January 7, 2022: AMS Special Session on Mathematical Models for Biomolecular and Cellular Interactions, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Poster presented at the Early Career Research Symposium, UC, Irvine
Recent events
June 16, 2021: ImageInLife final review Meeting, Online, hosted by Leiden University, Netherlands.
Short talk on Quantification of cell behaviors and computational modelling show that directed cell behaviors drive zebrafish pectoral fin morphogenesis.April 15-16, 2021: 2021 UCI CMCF Early Career Research Symposium, Online, hosted by University of California, Irvine.
Lightning talk + Poster presentation on Quantification of cell behaviors and computational modelling show that directed cell behaviors drive zebrafish pectoral fin morphogenesis.June 2020: 5th ImageInLife Meeting, Online, hosted by Leiden University, Netherlands.
Talk on Computational modelling of embryogenesis driven by empirical evidence from 4D microscopy.September 2019: 4th ImageInLife Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany
Talk on A comparative study of mammalian embryogenesis using MG#June 2019: Workshop on evolutionary dynamics and biological computation, Manchester, UK
Talk on Modelling the mechanogenetics of mouse embryo implantationMarch 2019: Man Met postgraduate research Conference, Manchester, UK
Talk on MG#: a mechanogenetic model of biological developmentFebruary 2019: ImageInLife midterm review Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia
Talk on Mechanogenetic modelling of embryogenesis driven by empirical evidence from 4D microscopyOctober 2018: MiFOBio Conference, Seignosse, France
Poster presentation on Mechanogenetic modelling of embryogenesis driven by empirical evidence from 4D microscopySeptember 2018: 2nd ImageInLife Meeting, Seignosse, France
Poster presentation on MG#: A particle model of cell mechanics, gene regulation and molecular signallingSeptember 2018: Science and Engineering Symposium, Manchester, UK
Organising committe memberJuly 2018: Oxford Graduate Modelling Camp, University of Oxford, UK
Team work and presentation on Inferring the dynamics of cell proliferation from single cell profiling data